Buffalo Trace White Dog – The Review
After a long wait, Buffalo Trace has made limited amounts of White Dog available in California. With great excitement I was able to purchase a 375 ml. bottle at Ledger’s Liquors in Berkeley (a most excellent liquor store) for about $20.00. To get an initial idea of White Dog and what it is, please see […]
Eagle Rare Single Barrel Bourbon
For the tasting of Eagle Rare Single Barrel Bourbon, the Locusts gathered on two consecutive Sundays. The first tasting was done under less than ideal conditions, on the front lawn, following the consumption of a pitcher of homemade margaritas. All present except for one neighbor, a level-headed man of superior character, agreed that this was […]
If I have to identify myself with a specific liquor, it certainly is bourbon. And, I have gone through an evolution of drinking over the years. When I was a young lad I drank bourbon both because I liked it (reasons for that may be told later) and because I thought it was kind of cool to […]
Elmer T. Lee Single Barrel Sour Mash
For this tasting the four principle locusts gathered late on spring evening, following a dinner on the lawn, to sample Elmer T. Lee’s Single Barrel Sour Mash. The conditions were not optimal, as we’d all enjoyed more than a few strong drinks, and were feeling the lateness of the night. But, in the interests of […]
Old Weller Antique
Posted by The Bon-Vivant on March 22, 2010 | 3 Comments One of the reasons for starting Liquor Locusts, aside from the bald-faced desire to snag free booze, was that we were hoping to be able to more fully develop, intellectualize, and explain in reasonable terms our love of the brown liquors, especially, bourbon. All […]
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