Holy Crap It Is Hot – Van Gogh Vodka Helps.

Posted on July 9, 2011 | By TheEnabler | Comments Off on Holy Crap It Is Hot – Van Gogh Vodka Helps.

In the interest of full disclosure, let me say that Van Gogh Vodka gave me a bottle of the product discussed here.  However, in the words of a girl I pursued but could not afford – I am easy, but not cheap.


Van Gogh sent us Van Gogh Dutch Caramel Vodka (wuck?  Vodka these days is merely an alcohol vehicle for flavors, but that is a different rant).  When I opened it and smelled it, I was practically floored by the thick, rich caramel smell.  Made me wonder if this could possibly be drinkable.

This being July, it is intolerably hot.  Mostly in the low 100’s in the day.  Pretty hot at night, also.  So, we decided to try the a cocktail that Van Gogh suggests,  the “Adult Root Beer Float”.  They, however, prefer the term Dutch Root Beer Float.  Or, perhaps:  De Nederlandse Vlotter van het Bier van de Wortel.  (Dutch is such a compact language).

Ja, goed.

De Nederlandse Vlotter van het Bier van de Wortel  (Dutch Root Beer Float)
* 2 oz. Van Gogh Dutch Caramel Vodka

* 1 scoop vanilla ice cream

* 6 oz. chilled root beer

Add the vodka directly to a tall glass, then top with root beer, and lastly the ice cream (add slowly, as it has a tendency to overflow). 

This turned out to be a great drink.  Or should I say desert.  Great taste, as you would expect in a root beer float, but with just that little extra from the Van Gogh that made it an excellent show-off desert for a back yard barbecue.  It is a comfort desert that everyone will like but will be different enough to impress your friends.  I highly recommend it.  Be aware, though, that it is very rich and you are not probably going to have more than one.  So save it for the end and have something much less sweet but not too bitter to drink after this if you are continuing.

Even better with Vodka!

Next time we will try the CARAMEL ZING! now that we found the ginger ale in the garage.


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