Bud Light – My Involuntary Review
Posted on July 18, 2011 | By TheEnabler | 1 Comment
This weekend, I was an involuntary participant in a review of Bud Light beer.
On Sunday, we attended a Mexican Birthday party. Not the birthday of Mexico, nor strictly speaking all about Mexicans, but there were a large amount of Mexicans there as well as a few of us round eyes. Somewhat over half of the conversation was in Spanish, of which I understand only a few words. Cervesa aqui, being most of them.
It was here that I met my Mexican doppelganger, El Enablero. (I also met a really cool bounce house, but that is another story).
Bud Light was the only beer served. It being hot, and there being nothing better (I am a Locust, after all) I had one. As I neared the end of the first Bud Light, El Enablero, or El for short, looked over and said “Salud!”. I responded in kind and El immediately brought me over another beer. A Salud or two later, he sent me over another beer. Same thing a bit later, Salud! and another beer. It was not until very late that evening I realized El’s cleverness. He would call “Salud” I would respond in kind and tip back my beer to drink the toast. Cleverly, he watched how far I had to tip the can and if he thought I was trying to coast by on an almost empty can, he could tell. So, if I tipped the can way back, another was sent my way. Later that evening, even that pretext was forgone. He merely called “Cerveza aqui” to one of the kids and pointed at me.
A worthy competitor, El Enablero, I “salud” you!
Now, to my review. Bud Light – Not what I would normally drink (or even abnormally) but there I was. Pro’s, quenches your thirst, you can drink about 40 without getting really drunk – just a mild buzz, gives your kidneys and bladders and aerobic workout, and your legs as you have to keep getting up to go to the bathroom (why do I even bother wearing pants?), and pretty much flushes the system. Cons- Not much taste, you can drink about 40 without getting really drunk…and pretty much flushes the system. Neither pro nor con – Why do these kind of beers always come in the “Economical 37 Pack” or the hard to put on a shelf “17 Pack” or things like that. What is wrong with a 6 pack – oh, wait, you can drink 40 without getting really drunk.
On the big plus side, there are all these funny posters about Bud Light of which I will post some of my favorites.
One Response to “Bud Light – My Involuntary Review”
January 12th, 2012 @ 12:02 am
[…] $10.00 per case). Granted, I have consumed my fair share at times (see my related post – “Bud Light – My Involuntary Review”) but really, if you have to drink beer, drink good beer. I mostly drink hard liquor, brown thank […]